A fresh take on risk and valuation


Amendments to the Solvency II Directive is entering into the conclusive phase having final approvals provided by the European Parliament and the European Council in January 2024. Following its full ratification by the Council and the Parliament, expected to occur later in 2024, the revised Solvency II Directive will be mandated for national adoption. Alongside the work on integrating the Level 1 text, regulators and firms will need to adhere to new and amended Level 2 and Level 3 instruments, the details of which are still unclear.  .

To help our insurance clients flag any significant changes applicable to them of the new Directive and plan for the challenges that come with it, we are conducting a 1-hour online interactive session on the final amendments to the SII Directive. 

This workshop is intended for all insurers and reinsurers regulated by Solvency II. It will be relevant for Senior stakeholders and members of your Risk, Actuarial, Finance, Accounting and Reporting teams. 

Depending on your specific preferences, the workshop will cover:

  • An overview of the Solvency II review process to date
  • Expected future milestones and timelines of the Solvency II review
  • Main updates and modifications within Pillar 1
  • Significant changes introduced in Pillar 2
  • Significant changes introduced in Pillar 3

Register below or contact insurance@finalyse.com for more details. 

We look forward to talking to you. 

Register now

Request your interactive session



Solvency II - timeline and directive

About the team

Francis Furey
Principal Consultant - Fellow member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland - Expert in Actuarial and Risk Modelling / Internal Models Approval and Validation

Francis is a Principal Consultant in charge of our insurance practice in Dublin. He has 15 years of experience within the life and non-life (re)insurance industry. His expertise covers the areas of financial reporting, prudential regulation, and actuarial modelling. Francis has worked in both industry and consulting with extensive exposure to Solvency II and BMA-regulated clients and a keen eye on new regulatory developments.

Divyank Garg
Senior Consultant - Expert in Actuarial Modelling and Prophet / SAS

Divyank is a Senior Consultant with more than 8 years of experience and a part qualified Actuary. He has acquired expertise in Solvency II, IFRS17 and MCEV reporting and has worked for life and non-life business. He has extensive experience in Prophet modelling, DCS, statutory valuation and IFRS17 implementation and his coding skills include Prophet and DCS modelling, SAS, VBA, R.