A fresh take on risk and valuation


478 results:
451. 2020 Solvency II review – Technical Provisions and SCR  
The 2020 Solvency II review intends to bring about several changes to the Solvency II Framework Directive. It follows the 2018 Solvency II interim review, which amended the Solvency II Delegated…  
452. New definition of default: tips to simulate the future impact!  
Every bank is highly interested in predicting the impact that the application of the new default definition would have on various aspects.
That prediction can be achieved via a comprehensive…
453. Solvency 2020 review - EIOPA’s opinion on recovery and resolution  
The 2008 financial crisis has shown that it is vital to have a good recovery and resolution policy. Because the European-level policy on resolution and recovery of the insurers is insufficient, some…  
Following the introduction of Solvency 2, the European Commission and Council have decided to continue their efforts to develop a common regulatory framework for the financial industry to strengthen…  
455. Private Equity: adjusting valuation output  
Private equity valuation considering illiquid stakes, companies at an early stage of development for which future cash-flows are very uncertain, or companies past the startup phase, but without…  
456. Like love, risk appetite is all around  
Truth be told, from a regulatory perspective, there is much more of the latter going on. Risk appetite is now widely recognised to be the main maker – or breaker – of success for financial…  
457. ISDA SIMM for non-cleared options  
Equity options are excluded from the collection of IM until January 2021 in the EU.

“The option seller should be able to choose not to collect initial or variation margins for these…
458. Basel IV - data from a bank's perspective  
This blog discusses the impact that the December 2017 Basel reforms will have on the way banking institutions are going to use their data when constructing their credit risk models. Whilst these…  
459. Career  
460. New Definition of Default: Insight on Challenges to Implementation  
The NDoD is expected to increase the comparability of risk parameters and own funds requirements, particularly for those financial institutions already applying the IRB method. It will also impact…  
Search results 451 until 460 of 478