We will deliver an internal online workshop to upskill the relevant stakeholders within your business on the topic of climate-related and environmental risks. Through the session with our Climate and Environmental Risk experts, you will gain a thorough understanding of best practices and methodologies applicable to identifying, assessing, measuring and reporting climate-related and environmental risks considering the upcoming regulatory, supervisory and market pressure.
This workshop is designed for your senior stakeholders and members of your Risk, Modelling, Stress Testing, (Sustainable) Finance and Reporting teams.
The topics that will be covered include:
The agenda for the session will be shaped jointly with you, according to your business needs.
Alexandre Synadino
Senior Consultant - Expert Climate Risk
Alexandre Synadino is a Senior Consultant with expertise in risk data analytics, climate risk management and regulatory reporting. He is an active member of the Finalyse Climate Risk Centre. His main area of expertise lies in the research, design and development of physical risk assessments using different tools and methods. Alexandre is involved in the conceptualisation of measurement approaches to cover multiple hazard types, geographies and scenarios to respond to regulatory demands for granular and forward-looking analyses.